Global Alert

by Global Alert



You can help reduce trash in our waters! Global Alert is a platform created by Ocean Recovery Alliance (a non-profit organization) and was launched at the Clinton Global Initiative. It has been partly funded by the World Bank, and creates a powerful tool for the global community to use in order to help reduce the amount of trash in their waterways and coastal areas. The information you submit to the Global Alert map will help groups in your community to better decide where cleanups should take place, and where long-term catchment devices can be placed. Imagine rivers and streams to be like blood vessels that go to your heart, and your heart is the ocean. If we can stop plastic waste from “flowing through” our blood vessels, we will all be a lot healthier as a result. You can be part of this worldwide effort to remove plastic waste from our waters, resulting in all kinds of good news for our communities, and of course the ocean, which is downstream to everything. - Map trash sites on the public Global Alert map by uploading photos and data.- Make a difference. Connect with community steward organizations or cleanup teams anywhere you go. Even if you can’t help with a cleanup and just want to report trash hot-spots, your information is a huge help to other stakeholders who can help to make improvements once they know where those sites are!- Download public data. Use the map of trash hot-spots for science, school projects, raisingawareness, or working with local governments to create cleaner waters.- Free to use, log in and start reporting!Officially endorsed by the World Bank’s Global Partnership for Oceans as the official trash hot-spot reporting app!